Want to Help?

Five Ways You Can Become a Vital Part of the Children’s Rosary
1) Provide a Financial Donation
The Children’s Rosary continues only through the generosity of people like yourself. We try to do a great deal with very little. We would like to share with you how your donation makes a difference.

- Smaller donations of $5-$20.00 allow us to put together a missionary package to hand deliver to a person traveling to a distant area of the world to help begin Children’s Rosary groups.
- A donation of $50.00 helps us send enough materials for a small Children’s Rosary group to begin.
- As requests internationally are usually for large groups, $125.00 allows us to send enough materials for 75 Children to have enough materials to begin a group and each child to have a Rosary.
- Larger donations of $1,000 or more help us meet the demands of materials from missionary outposts where 15-20 new groups are requesting materials.
The two groups pictured above were both able to form as a result of donations.
The Children’s Rosary is a non profit organization with 501 (c)(3) status through the IRS. All donations are tax deductible in the United States.
Donations can be made out to Children’s Rosary Inc. and mailed to:
Children’s Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
Recurrent monthly donations however small are particularly helpful to continue the work of the Children’s Rosary.
All those involved in promoting the Children’s Rosary are volunteers. There are no full time employees. Your donation goes to helping the children!

To help provide for the future of the Children’s Rosary and help pass on the faith consider including the Children’s Rosary in your will. If you have questions about this process please contact Blythe Kaufman at blythe@childrensrosary.org
We have also partnered with My Catholic Will. Using the link below you can create a legal will at no cost.
2) Donate Rosaries
We are always in need of rosaries. If you are an individual or group of individuals who makes rosaries we very much would appreciate donated rosaries to share with our groups. We also accept used rosaries or store bought rosaries. Please do not send broken rosaries or literature.
Rosaries can be sent to:
Children’s Rosary
C/O Blythe Kaufman
146 Four Mile Rd
West Hartford, CT 06107 USA
(Please note that rosaries should be sent in a box or envelope with padding otherwise they can break)

3) Help Get the Word Out
Here are some ideas:
• Order a 10 pack of our Children’s Rosary Books which explain how to begin a Children’s Rosary prayer group and also how to pray the Rosary and keep one in your pocket. Say a prayer that the Holy Spirit will guide each book into the hands it was meant for and bring beautiful fruits. See how fast the 10 go!
• Obtain permission from your pastor to leave out information about the Children’s Rosary such as our bookmarks or Children’s Rosary books in a special area of your Church or Adoration chapel.
• Contact us about ordering larger quantities of our Children’s Rosary books or our bookmarks to give away. Discounted pricing available.
• Sign up for newsletter and updates at the bottom of the screen and share information with friends and family.
* Contact us at Blythe@childrensrosary.org or call us at (860) 785 3340 with questions or for information about obtaining our bookmarks, bumper stickers, sample flyers, or large quantity pricing of our materials. THANK YOU!
5) Add Your Prayers
One of the most important ways you can help the Children’s Rosary is to pray. Please include the Children’s Rosary, the members and the intentions of the Children’s Rosary in your prayers.
• We also invite you to unify prayers with the children meeting in their groups around the world. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Thank you all so much for your help! Please know that you are being covered in a blanket of prayers by our Children’s Rosary groups around the world. We ask the children in our groups to pray for all those who help the Children’s Rosary. We also have a monthly Mass offered on the 25th of every month for all the members of the Children’s Rosary and all who help the Children’s Rosary.