Ideas from Children's Rosary Groups

Praying for Loved Ones who Have Passed
The photos shown here depicts one group’s idea of including remembrance cards from loved ones who have passed at their Children’s Rosary meeting held in November. This is done as the month of November is dedicated to the Holy Souls and it encourages the practice in families and among children of praying for loved ones who have died. Additionally the group also featured saints on a poster in honor of All Saints Day November 1. In this way the children are exposed to saints who serve as role models and intercessors.
Children’s Rosary Group Fulda, Germany

Christmas Activity for Children’s Rosary Groups
Meet either just before Christmas or over the Christmas holidays for a special Christmas Children’s Rosary.
Children come dressed as angels and shepherds to come and pray the Rosary to prayerfully to welcome and give glory to Baby Jesus. We are re-enacting the adoration of the shepherds and angels as on Christmas night in Bethlehem.
Singing of Christmas hymns before and after the Rosary is a beautiful way to involve the children in this special event. Having a little party before or after will help to make it a fun get-together.
A suggestion for children to lay before the crib: they could bring little pictures of gifts on pieces on paper, but with their offerings written on the blank side. For example, they can write “I was kind to my sister/brother,” “I did all my chores without complaining or having to be reminded,” “I was obedient,” “I shared my treats,” “I shared my toys,” “I was sick and offered my suffering,” “I helped, even when I wasn’t asked to.”
Children’s Rosary in Crossboyne, Ireland

Lent/Easter Craft
One Children’s Rosary group leader prepared a gift for the children in her group during Lent. It involved taking some plant containers and filling them with rocks and then binding two sticks together with twine to make three crosses. During Lent a purple cloth is draped over the crosses. However a white slip of fabric is replaced on Easter and flowers scattered over the stones.
Children’s Rosary in Castledawson, Ireland