Consecration Prayers

We ask that each Children’s Rosary group be Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary at the first meeting. In this way the group is under the protection and guidance of Christ and His Mother. We have Consecration prayers provided at the link below but if you would like to use different prayers that would be fine as well.
O Jesus, we know that You are merciful (Mt. 11:29),
and that You gave Your Heart for us,
that was crowned with thorns by our sins;
We know that even today You are still pleading
with us so that we will not be lost.
Jesus, remember us when we are in sin.
By means of Your Sacred Heart,
grant us, that all men love one another;
Cause hatred to disappear among men.
Show us Your love,
for we all love You,
and want You to protect us
with your Shepherd’s Heart
and free us from all sin.
Jesus, enter into each heart.
Knock on the door of our hearts.
Be patient and unwearied with us.
We are still closed, since we still have not
yet understood Your love for us.
Knock persistently and grant, O good Jesus,
that we open our hearts to You,
at least when we will have remembered the passion
You suffered for us. Amen.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, overflowing
with goodness, Show us Your love for us.
May the flame of Your heart, O Mary,
Descend upon all mankind.
We love You so.
Impress true love in our hearts
that we may have a continuous desire for You.
O Mary, meek and humble of heart,
Remember us when we are in sin.
You know that all men sin.
Grant to us by means of Your Immaculate Heart,
to be healed from every spiritual illness.
In doing so, we then will be able to gaze
upon the goodness of Your Maternal Heart,
And thus be converted through
the flame of Your Heart. Amen.
Hand drawings were done by Alina Kaufman in 2016. Alina is a child who has been a member of the Children’s Rosary for five years.