Mass Offered for Seminarians on February 1, 2024

A Mass was offered on February 1, 2024 for all seminarians that they will grow in holiness and lead us all in love. Every month, we have a Mass offered for this intention. As our seminarians will be the future shepherds and our children are their future flock, it seemed a beautiful way for the children to help.  It is our goal in 2024 to feature a different seminarian on the first of the month every month by inviting him to share something of himself and giving all our readers the opportunity to pray for him. This month, we are featuring Gregory Meyer, a seminarian from Southbury, Connecticut, USA. 

My name is Gregory Meyer, a native of Southbury, Connecticut, and a seminarian in the priestly formation program for the Archdiocese of Hartford in Connecticut. I am twenty-seven years old and in my third year of formation at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, Minneapolis, with three other men from the Hartford Archdiocese.

I grew up in a Catholic family and my life of faith started at a young age. In college, I came to know the Lord in a much deeper way through being encouraged by a friend to confront some sins in my life and turn to God for His help and mercy. I also learned so much more about our faith through reading the Bible and through Bishop Baron opening me up to the rich intellectual tradition of the Church. Throughout this time, I was encouraged by a priest to consider the priesthood. I noticed a sense of adventure when I thought about the mission of the priesthood in being able to serve the faithful in this unique way as an ordained minister. I also noticed God had given me different gifts that could be used for Christ’s Church. Also, celibacy seemed like a sacrifice I was able to make for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven, and as our Lord said concerning this, “Let the one who is able to receive this receive it” (Mt 19:12). In 2020 after working for two years, I was accepted as a seminarian for my Archdiocese. And it has been quite the journey ever since!

As a priest, I hope to bring to the faithful a strong sense of Catholic identity that is nourished by God’s grace through the sacraments and beautiful liturgical worship. I hope to reach the people who have drifted away from God or who have never known Him and bring to them the saving message of Christ. Please continue praying for priests and seminarians, and may Our Lady or the Rosary always intercede for us! 

We humbly ask that you please keep Gregory Meyer in your prayers.

Source: Children’s Rosary

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