Good News Came from Pakistan on January 5th 2020

We received exciting news from Pakistan on January 5th: the Feast of Epiphany. A box of Children’s Rosary materials had arrived including 419 rosaries. Almost all of these rosaries were handmade.This box had long been anticipated and children in new Children’s Rosary groups had been waiting as long as 6 months to have rosaries with which to pray. The groups continued to meet while they waited and faithfully prayed. Our Lord did not disappoint the children. Their prayers were heard. On Epiphany we were told the long awaited box had arrived. 

This week we will be highlighting the visits Babu Chand, a Catechist and Children’s Rosary group leader, made to these different Children’s Rosary groups that waited for so long praying and hoping to receive a rosary of their own. 

We thank all those who help to make rosaries and those who donate to the Children’s Rosary. This allows us to keep sending boxes such as the one pictured above.
To make a donation to the Children’s Rosary click HERE.
Handmade rosaries can be sent to the Children’s Rosary at:

PO Box 271743
West Hartford CT 06127 USA
Source: Children’s Rosary

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