Mass to be Offered in Vietnam for Members of the Children’s Rosary

The Children’s Rosary groups in Bien Hoa City, Vietnam have arranged a Mass to be said for all the members of the Children’s Rosary. The Mass will be celebrated at the Chapel of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Bien Hoa City, Vietnam.

The Chapel is in the rear of Sacred Heart Hospital. The Hospital and the Chapel are run by Monks in an order named after St. John of God. Many of them are doctors who care for the sick of the hospital.

The Mass that will be celebrated on Monday December 19th at 7PM local time (7AM ET). This Mass at 7 o’clock is attended by many of the patients of the Hospital. One can imagine their prayers are very strong. We are especially grateful for such a gift. The children who are part of the Children’s Rosary in Vietnam not only asked the priests to offer the Mass for the members of the Children’s Rosary they had an extra request:

that God give peace to the Children’s Rosary group

It was a Mass that the priest will pray for peace for us


Indeed as we approach Christmas is there a more beautiful gift that the children would want to give us then Peace. Our Lord is the Prince of Peace.

Another beautiful thing about the Mass being offered at 7PM local time is that is the time when the two Children’s Rosary groups held in orphanages in Bien Hoa City meet to pray.

When the children are meeting in their prayer groups you can see them as blue flashing lights on our new View from Heaven Map. Please consider joining them in prayer. The children are asked to pray for those unifying prayers with them. You can even hit the “join in prayer” button under the View from Heaven map and add a gold light to the map.

We thank the children who are a part of the Children’s Rosary in Bien Hoa City, Vietnam for their precious gift to all the members of the Children’s Rosary.

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Source: Children’s Rosary

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