Children's Rosary

A Prayer Group Movement for Children


Join a Tapestry of Prayer Around the World

The Children’s Rosary helps children to grow in holiness and become leaders in their faith. This is done through prayer groups where the children lead the Rosary.

Help The Next Generation

Consider starting a Children's Rosary at your church or parochial school


May 21, 2024: Book signing of the book A Soul Prepared through Suffering by Blythe Kaufman, founder of the Children’s Rosary will be held at 6:30 PM at the Domestic Monastery in Avon, Connecticut USA.

May 23, 2024: Zoom Meeting for those involved in the Children’s Rosary in German speaking countries. A link to the meeting can be found at

June 1, 2024: Children’s Rosary to lead rosary at All Ireland Rosary Rally at Knock Shrine in Ireland.

Registered Children's Rosary Groups