Children's Rosary®
A Prayer Group Movement for Children
The Dicastery for Laity Family and Life, a Holy-See appointed initiative, currently promotes the Children’s Rosary on their website for bishops and other Church leaders visiting the Vatican.
Uniting Children in Prayer Across the World in Schools, Churches, Parishes and Orphanages
The Children’s Rosary helps children to grow in holiness and become leaders in their faith. This is done through prayer groups where the children lead the Rosary.
Help The Next Generation
Consider starting a Children's Rosary at your church or parochial school
New book release: A Soul Prepared through Suffering by Blythe Kaufman, founder of the Children’s Rosary is now available to order. This is a 40 Day retreat on suffering.
33 Day Consecration Journey led By Bishop Donal McKeown of the Derry Diocese in Ireland January 8-February 11. Each night Bishop Donal or one of the priests of the Diocese will lead the days readings and prayers. They are using our book Child Consecration: To Jesus through Mary—Following in the Spirit of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower. For more information about this journey visit:
January 23, 2025: Zoom meeting for those involved with the Children’s Rosary in France or any French speaking country. A Link for the meeting will be available at
February 11 , 2025: Zoom informational Meeting in English for the United States and Canada. Meeting will be held at 8PM Eastern Time. Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 841 2419 9168
Passcode: 575348
February 13, 2025: Zoom Meeting for those involved in the Children’s Rosary in German speaking countries. A link to the meeting can be found at
February 18, 2025: Zoom meeting for those involved with the Children’s Rosary in Ireland and the UK will be December 17 at 8PM local time in Ireland/UK.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 3881 8639
Passcode: 866657
National Catholic Educators Conference Orlando, Florida USA April 22-24, 2025: The Children’s Rosary will have an informational booth at the NCEA conference.
Registered Children's Rosary Groups

Vatican Site Endorses Children's Rosary

In 2023 the Vatican completed a section of their website profiling the Children’s Rosary. The purpose of this site is to present bishops who visit the Vatican with “best practices from many different Bishop’s Conferences, dioceses and private institutions. The website is intended to be a point of reference for different pastoral agents, at a parish, diocesan or national level.” We are most grateful for this promotion of the Children’s Rosary from the highest levels of the Church.
Informational flyer about the Children’s Rosary with live links is available below