Hundreds Come Together for May Crowning in Pakistan

Yesterday fifteen Children’s Rosary groups came together for a Ceremony they had planned in honor of Our Blessed Mother. This began with a Crowning of Mary.  The children felt it was so special they helped create special clothes for such a

Fifteen Children’s Rosary Groups to Meet on May 28th in Pakistan

Fifteen Children’s Rosary groups will be coming together to hold a large Ceremony and Crowning of Mary on May 28th 2016.  They will be meeting at St. Joseph Church in the town of Butanpura, Pakistan.  One of the Children’s Rosar

A Mass Will be Offered Tomorrow for the Members of the Children’s Rosary

A Mass will be offered tomorrow, through the Capuchin Missions, for all the members of the Children’s Rosary and all who help the Children’s Rosary.  We continue to have a Mass said for the this intention on the 25th of each month. T